Neurology Insights

Summer Travels & Ease of Mind

Covid-19 Graphic Representing the Difficulties of Traveling

With summer in full swing, many have expressed concerns about traveling in light of the recent global pandemic. Rest assured, there are ways you and your family can safely travel while feeling comfortable doing it.

Traveling during the summer can be a concern for many due to the recent COVID-19 global pandemic. With some confusion surrounding recent travel restrictions, it is essential to remain informed on the latest information advised by the CDC to decrease travel-related anxieties and concerns.

Tailor Your Needs to Your Personal Medical History

If you (or someone you live with) are over 65, immunocompromised, or suffer from any of the following related health conditions, we advise you to limit travel.

Health conditions such as; chronic lung disease, severe asthma, severe obesity, diabetes, dementia, liver disease, and chronic kidney disease may negatively affect the recovery process in the COVID-19 illness.

The CDC has categorized the above health conditions as being in the “high-risk” category.

If you do not suffer from the above illnesses, but are currently undergoing medical treatments and are on medication, it is imperative to speak to your doctor about any travel plans you may have.

Travel is all about the risks versus the benefits. It is crucial to maintain your mental health, and social stimulation and travel certainly help with that. But it is important to stay safe! Social distancing and hand washing, as well as wearing masks in public, are reasonable, common-sense precautions.

Speak with your Physician

Your Physician will be able to run any necessary tests and do a thorough evaluation to address any of your concerns. A short conversation will offer you additional peace of mind knowing that if you do decide to travel, you will have taken the necessary steps to prevent any bumps along the road.

Exercise Due Diligence

When reviewing your travel destination of choice, please review the latest information made available on the website. The link below includes numerous resources surrounding commonly asked questions about travel during COVID-19.

CDC Coronavirus Travelers Facts

You will also find specific measures to take regarding personal hygienic practices and more information regarding Domestic vs. International travel or cruise travel.

When choosing your destination, don’t be afraid to ask your place of accommodation (i.e., hotel) what they are doing to ensure guest safety. You can also ask if the area you will be visiting has become a recent “hot spot” of Covid-19, or if the number of cases has diminished, or maybe even zero!

Take the time to become informed regarding testing in the intended travel area, especially if you are scheduled to vacation in that area for an extended period. As always, have a back-up plan in case you fall sick to the illness and are traveling with family and pets. And as always, I recommend that you travel with your medical information. Maybe your medical records from your doctors (which you can get off the doctor’s patient portal), lab/X-Ray/ diagnostic test results / MRI results, and CD’s of any imaging studies. And yes, DON’T FORGET TO TRAVEL WITH YOUR MEDICINES!

Keep Yourself Healthy

As always, I would like to emphasize the importance of keeping yourself physically and mentally healthy during this time. Staying healthy means alleviating stress through mindfulness techniques, gentle exercise, enjoying time outdoors, and responsibly spending time with family and friends.

Experiencing a global pandemic can bring a range of confusion and anxieties into the picture, and you need to remain committed to your health and well-being. Commitment to health can come in the form of following the CDC guidelines, especially if you are a high-risk individual.

For many, the stress of caring for sick family members or job insecurity may take precedence over basic tasks like drinking enough water and eating fresh fruits and vegetables. However, it is essential to remember that these are the things that your body needs the most!

So go ahead and travel, but be safe! Tomorrow is not a promise to anyone, but with some common-sense precautions, you will enjoy many more tomorrows!

If you have any questions about travelling during Covid-19 or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact the Neurology Office for more help. 

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Neurology Office, Joseph Kandel M.D. and Associates

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