1. Shoulder Shrugs (Flexibility/Strength)
Movement: With arms relaxed at your side, lift shoulders to ears and circle back and down. Repeat 10 times.
Hint: Squeeze shoulder blades together on the rotation backward. At no time should shoulders rotate forward.
2. Flexion and Extension (Flexibility/Strength)
Movement: Move chin to chest and push shoulders down. As you elevate chin to ceiling –shrug shoulders and hold for 1-2 seconds. To enhance the stretch in extended position, push chin up. Repeat 10 times in each direction.
Note: This can also be used as a stretch. Hold each position for 10-20 seconds.
3. Lateral Flexion (Flexibility/Strength)
Movement: Shoulders should be relaxed and down. Lift (R) ear to ceiling and (L) ear to shoulder. Hold for 1-2 seconds then move back to center. Repeat other side.
Note: This can also be used as a stretch. Hold each position for 10-20 seconds.
4. Neck Rotation (Flexibility/Strength)
Movement: Rotate chin and ear to side, hold 1-2 seconds, then look down at shoulder. Move back to center. Rotate in the opposite direction.
Note: This can also be used as a stretch. Hold each position for 10-20 seconds.
5. Neck Retraction (Flexibility)
Movement: Squeeze shoulder blades together. Pull head straight back keeping jaw and eyes level. Hold for 5-10 seconds and relax. Repeat 10 times. Try to focus on proper posture during retraction.
Hint: Do not drop or lift chin.
6. Chest and Shoulder Stretch (Flexibility)
Movement: Squeeze shoulder blades together, then clasp hands behind body and extend arms. Gently lift hands and elbows toward the ceiling. Stand tall. Hold for 10-30 seconds.
Hint: Hold the neck retracted while squeezing shoulder blades together.
Modification: This can also be done by placing hands on a doorway and passing torso through entrance.